

Nothing can be achieved without good, qualified people.

That is why Groningen Seaports pays a lot of attention to attracting and keeping talented personnel. In this context matters such as flexible working hours and improving employment conditions are promoted. Work is also being done on developing a programme for good career prospects. Groningen Seaports also looks beyond the boundaries of its own organisation from the perspective of the importance attached to a well-considered long-term policy.

The increasing demand of companies for technicians could lead to labour shortages in the Eems Delta region. Personnel availability is also decreasing as a result of the ageing populations. Together with schools, labour market organisations and municipal authorities Groningen Seaports is therefore working on a labour market policy for the Eems Delta region. The aim is to promote working at the seaports and encouraging young people to opt for technical study programmes

Groningen Seaports does currently have no vacancies (only in Dutch)


For more information about careers and/or vacancies, please contact Karel Oldenburger, Human Resources manager, +316-51416977.